The FSB said it prevented a terrorist attack in the Stavropol Territory. According to the department, it was prepared by three citizens of “one of the Central Asian countries”


The FSB said it prevented a terrorist attack in the Stavropol Territory. According to the department, it was prepared by three citizens of “one of the Central Asian countries”
2 min

FSB officers prevented a terrorist attack that three citizens of “one of the Central Asian countries” were allegedly planning to carry out in the Stavropol Territory. The department stated this, Interfax writes.

According to the intelligence service, the suspects were planning to set off an explosion in one of the crowded places.

During searches at the place of residence of the detainees, “components of an improvised explosive device, chemical substances and destructive elements were discovered and seized,” the FSB said.

A criminal case has been opened for a terrorist attack (part 1 of article 30, paragraph “a”, part 2 of article 205 of the Criminal Code). The FSB did not disclose other details of the case and the identities of the detainees.

The intelligence service distributed a video that allegedly shows the detainees. In the video, three men walk down the street, enter a pharmacy, a hardware store and a grocery store. After the cut, it is shown how they are detained by FSB officers and thrown to the ground.

The FSB published a message about the prevention of a terrorist attack in the Stavropol region exactly a week after the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region. On March 22, a group of armed men opened fire in a concert hall and then set the building on fire. As a result of the terrorist attack, according to the latest data, 144 people were killed and more than 380 injured.

The ISIS cell Vilayat Khorasan claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in Crocus . Russia says Ukraine is behind the attack. Kyiv denies these accusations.

The United States and other countries warned of possible terrorist attacks in Russia back in early March. The head of Ukrainian military intelligence, Kirill Budanov , claimed that the Russian special services knew about the preparation of a terrorist attack in Crocus since February 15. After the attack, FSB director Alexander Bortnikov admitted that US intelligence agencies warned Russia in advance about a possible terrorist attack, but then this information was not confirmed.

According  to The New York Times, US intelligence agencies transferred to Russia only part of the information they had about the threat of a terrorist attack in Moscow, because they were afraid of revealing the sources of information against the backdrop of deteriorating relations between the Russian Federation and the West.


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